After creating buzz over social media Mahathalli fame, Jahnavi Dasetty is back with yet another breezy comedy show Munching with Mahathalli. Co-created by Tamada Media and Viu, Munching with Mahathali is set to entertain the audience with fun celebrity talk and laughter riot. The Telugu talk show launched on March 29 on Youtube and Viu was an instant hit among the Telugu audience.
The show is hosted by Jahnavi Dasetty who conducts the satirical interviews with stereotypical movie characters. Her interview with the stereotypical Amma (mother) on the first episode entertained the audience to the core, and the show has continuously seen growing fan following since. Unlike other talk shows, on Munching with Mahathali Jahnavi is playing the host and guest as well.
The fans will see their favorite Tollywood celebrities such as Raj Tarun and Tharun Bhaskar making an appearance on the show. The host and guest conversation doesn’t just stop at revealing celebrities their journey and fun memories. The fans will also get to relive the most famous scenes from Tollywood movies on the show.
Well, the host of the show Janhavi as excited as the viewers for this show. She believes that the characters showcased in Telugu cinema are one-of-a-kind and so are the action sequences. Well, fans and viewers couldn’t agree more. The 26 episodes show Produced by Viu and Tamada Media has captured the heart of Telugu movie fans. Janhavi has done a great job with her roles keeping the audience entertained and relieving them from stress and worries with laughter doses.
As web series are becoming more popular, youth has more thirst for original and unique content with a glimpse of reality. Standing up to that challenge Viu has come up with fresh regional content to entertain the multilingual youth in India. The shows span across diverse genres and subjects in regional languages. Viu launched its first Telugu series in 2016 and has caught youth’s attention instantly with contemporary shows such as Pelli Gola, Guptha Rahasyam, and Telugu comedy talk show online Munching with Mahathalli, and No. 1 Yaari.
Watch talk show web series online for some crazy moments and never-heard-before interviews with Tollywood stars and stereotypical characters. Enjoy episodes of Munching with Mahathali on Youtube or Viu app. It will soon become your daily dose of stress-buster for sure.