Party bus rental is the hottest trend in the transportation world and many have already experienced the wonderful first ride on the party bus. With the increase in popularity, Party bus rentals are also being followed by many myths, and ultimately due to these myths, many people with a heavy heart are dropping the idea to enjoy a ride of party bus rental.
The party bus adds life to your event and is really a safe mode of transportation. Honestly, riding a party bus is one of the experiences one must not miss, that’s why we have made the list of all the myths which can be circulating about Party bus rental and we are going to debunk them for you, in the article!
Myth 1: Party Buses are Expensive
This is far and away from the foremost humored one. Everyone thinks party buses are very overpriced and that they most likely price you a leg or an arm, however in point of fact, that’s not the case. The price of a party bus rental depends on different factors, like when it’s being booked, the size of the party bus, the capacity it’s holding, etc. As far as being expensive is concerned, they vary from $100-$200 per hour and are usually rented by a group, so when the cost is divided evenly, it actually becomes pretty cheap to hire a party bus.
Myth 2: Anything is Allowed
Another myth that circulates a lot about the party bus rental is that anything can be done on the party buses and they don’t usually care what’s happening on the bus while it’s hired. That’s a straight-up myth, as every party bus rental service provider in Chicago, asks the clients to sign the contract, in which the activities which are allowed in the party bus when it’s hired is mentioned and they are asked to follow the proper guidelines which are instructed by the government.
Myth 3: Party Bus is Not for Everyone
Party buses can be hired for anything, wedding, birthday party, prom, night-out, and concert etc., so people of all age groups are allowed. In the case of a birthday party or prom when youngsters are also attending, party bus rental service providers take extra measures to avoid any alcoholic based drink aboard.
Myth 4: Party Buses Rental Service Providers are Not Reliable
The Party bus rental trend is somewhat new in the transportation industry, as a result not many trusts it yet. Fun fact is party bus rental has been around for quite a long time but was not this popular among the people in the past. As for being reliable, there are a few party bus rental service providers that do not properly run their business and just focus on money-making. But on the other side, the majority of these providers prioritize the experience of the client. They make sure that the client enjoys the ride while they are headed towards their destination.
Myth 5: Party Buses are Not Clean
A reliable and professional party bus rental company also makes sure that their vehicles are clean. As the clients check the party bus with their own eyes before booking them, and that’s why they cannot afford to keep them dirty.
Yes, just like a coin has two faces, similarly, there are some party bus rental companies that don’t believe in long term partnership and customer care, and you must avoid hiring such party bus rental companies. To enjoy your ride make sure to choose the right party bus rental company.