Getting the Most Out of a Newborn Photo Session

The most important part of newborn photography is creating a feeling of joy. Having a professional assist in getting a memorable photo is far superior to trying as an amateur to create the perfect shot. Here are some tips from a professional Raleigh newborn photographer.

The Timing of the Photo Shoot

Newborn photography is only possible during a short timeframe of about two weeks after a baby is born. Plan and schedule a photo session in advance based on the expectancy date. An adjustment to the schedule will need to be made for late or early births. However, you want to know that, during the appropriate range of time, the photographer is in town and available.

The best time to get good photographs of a newborn is five to ten days after birth. The baby will be more sleepy and usually curl up in cute poses naturally.

Before the Photo Session

Try to time the session so that it is scheduled in-between normal feeding times. Keep the baby awake for one to two hours before the session. A slightly sleepy baby with a full stomach is much easier to photograph for eye-closed shots. Getting a baby to open his or her eyes is easier than getting a baby to fall asleep.

When dressing the baby for the photo session, use clothes that are easy to remove. Most of the best shots come from wrapping a baby in a comfortable blanket, shawl, or towel.

If the parents or other siblings will be included in some photographs, have everyone wear comfortable soft clothes in solid, neutral colors. Dark clothing tends to make people look slimmer. Avoid bright colors, patterns, and stripes. Do not accessorize or wear any jewelry. Take off glasses for the photos. Do not use any perfume or cologne that might disturb the baby.

Other people can be in the photographs; however, the baby should be the focus of the attention.

The Photo Session

Arrive on time for the photo session. A typical session lasts between two and four hours.

The room should be very warm, especially if the baby will be photographed in the nude. The reasonable room temperature is 80 °F. The parents and the photographer will be slightly sweating when moving about; however, the baby will feel perfectly comfortable.

The pace of a photo session is relaxed because it is important to keep the baby calm and the parents need to try to stay calm as well. Be patient. Play white noise or soft gentle music in the background to help the baby stay calm.

If the baby starts to cry, take time out. Comfort the baby, as the parents usually do by them holding, rocking, and feeding the baby as necessary.


A photo session with a newborn is a delightful event, not something that is stressful. An award-winning, professional, Raleigh newborn photographer knows how to capture the perfect shot in a matter of seconds, even though the full session may take many hours.

By allowing enough time for the session and fully enjoying the process, there will be plenty of joy to go around for everyone involved.